As the world's #1 Boxing & MMA equipment manufacturer and supplier, FIGHT 2 FINISH helps thousands of boxing and Mixed Martial Arts retailers provide industry leading boxing equipment, apparel, and gear. Our experienced team of customer service representatives is comprised of Boxing and MMA enthusiasts, trainers and fighters ensuring you select the appropriate variety of boxing gloves, boxing shoes, gear and apparel.

FIGHT 2 FINISH has developed a program to exclusive wholesale pricing/discounts to qualified applicants. To be eligible for the program simply e-mail/fax the items listed below:

Please send at least one of the following required documents:

Copy of your Federal Tax I.D. number
Copy of your resellers permit
Additionally, please send one or more of the following items for our records:

Business Card
School or gym flyer
Yellow Page advertisement
Black Belt Certificate
USA Boxing gym registration
To expedite the setup process, please make sure the following information is included:

Company Name
Contact Name
Mailing Address
Website URL
Contact Phone Numbers
E-mail Adress
Submit the above information to one of the following:

E-mail: support@fight2finish.com